Relaxing weekend.

22:35 / Por Antonio /

Hello everyone, how are you? As you can see, English is back, and stronger than ever I hope, so expect to see some more posts from now on in our first language for these, our irish days.

We are very happy of being here again, riding our Irish life and enjoying it. Laura is working every day, so she is very happy, and also is getting more confident with the language, so is improving a lot and squeezing every bit of each day, getting to know many new people in the hospitals she go and discovering a lot of new experiences.

I can tell you I am also very busy, working in my project and reading many research papers from IEEE. Learning many things about optical systems and how are the setups other investigators are using for their experiments. That way I have references and also look for similar experiments to do, without repeating tests someone has already done. In brief, I am depicting and deciding how is going to be the investigation, measures and paper we are going to be writing in the next weeks for publication.

The other half of work I am doing is studying for the last subject of my telecommunications degree, RSS, subject my friends at Autonoma de Madrid know very well. I am very busy and worried about it, trying to do my best every day to spend some hours studying hard. I have to pass that exam at all costs and put one of the last bricks I need to reach the end of this degree that started so many years ago when a young boy went out of his town and collegue, to go to the university in the big city. Explaining that story could fill up a whole book... time goes so fast...

But talking about our story today, in the middle of all these things, weekend came and we had some time to spend together with our friends Daniele and Kai. We met on Saturday evening and went to the cinema where we would decide which film to watch. But this time it was easy because Kai and Daniele are very easy going and any of the films available were good for them (some friend I have should learn from that hehehe...)

As none of us had an idea of what to watch, except for Laura, so she decided for us all. And she picked up a movie I hadn't heard about, "Yes man", the last one from Jim Carrey. Not very good I thought, but I could stand watching it.

And I was wrong guys, although the film is one of Jim Carrey's tipical comedies, with the humour he has, the tipycal nice looking girl he ends up with, and the same storyline we have seen lots of times in his films. But the idea behind is very interesting, I won't tell you the details of the story of course, because I don't want to spoil the movie, but it speaks about the main character, who is always saying no to everything new and is very reluctant to any change in his life, until one day something happens that makes him do the opposite, and he starts to discover a whole new bunch of things life shows him.

And that's the idea I got from the film. It is so important to try new experiences, not to keep doing the same thing every day and say yes to many options we normally have in our every day life that we don't enjoy. We only have one life, and we have to get the most out of it, so it is very important to enjoy every chance life gives us, and say yes to many oportunities that could sound crazy at first, but that once chosen and tried could change the way we see our life. The main character does exactly that on the film, and taking into account it's a film, everything improves in his life, and even the most worst-looking situations become a good moment thanks to the magical word "yes". Say yes, say yes to everything and your life will improve, that is the main idea of the film, and I am sure that's true for the most part.

I agree with it, say yes to every possible oportunity life gives you, and be sure you will enrich your life, because we only have a life, and have to live it. That makes a lot of sense for me, a guy who left his beautiful and sunny house in Málaga to live new experiences in a ""worse"" place (could be said at first) but which is so special and new, and that's why it is much better than my home town. Because, no matter which option I chose, it would have been a good one, given anything different from the place I have been living for my entire life would be a good thing. Change friends, that's the main thing.

And that's the idea I wanted to point, enrich your life, choose new and different things, quit routine, put a different country in your life... well maybe that is not necesary, but it is an option. One that made us very happy indeed, you just have to choose yours.

That was all, have a good time around, take care and be happy my friends.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo on 22 de enero de 2009, 8:36

Aiissss, ¡qué cruz con el inglés!

Este post iba con una moraleja bien extensa jeje. Aquí la peli se llama "Di que si", y aunque a mi nunca me ha hecho especial gracia Jim Carrey tenía ganas de verla. La verdad es que tienes razón, no hay que cerrarse en la vida comodona de siempre, ¡hay que ampliar horizontes y no desaprovechar ninguna oportunidad!

Me alegro de que Laura esté contenta con su trabajo y además cada vez se vea más cómoda con el inglés, tiene que estar aprendiendo mogollón. Yo tengo en mente pirarme a algún país de habla inglesa cuando termine la carrera (ojalá sea éste mi último año) para aprender inglés en condiciones, porque si no chungo.

Mucho ánimo con RSS, es una asignatura terrible, de echo creo que ninguno de nosotros nos presentamos... Léete el libro, haz muchos problemas y a por todas en el examen.

Yo mañana he quedado con mi futuro tutor del PFC (ya he elegido uno, empezaré después de los exámenes) para que me cuente un poco más detalladamente en qué se va a basar, y luego tengo una reunión en la que se hablará de mi proyecto y sus aplicaciones, y cosas a tener en cuenta... a ver que tal.


Comment by Kai on 24 de enero de 2009, 16:13

to be honest I don't like the film either. Wish you good luck in coming exam and your paper get published soon. haha

Comment by Euge on 27 de enero de 2009, 10:21

I allways say "yes" to everything and I think it's a problem too... It's better to be equilibrate in life hehe.

This afternoon I have my "Operative Systems" test (3rd time!!!) so say a little pray for me!!!

We wanna go Dublin and see you two!!!

Good Luck and don't forget: thursday 6 pm.


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