Interview time.

13:47 / Por Antonio /

Hello friends!

how are you? Is there anybody reading this? maybe... who knows? At least I hope someone eventually reads this, and the most important, likes it. If thats not the case, well I like to write my thoughts from time to time, so I really enjoy writing here "although nobody is looking". But I am sure someone does!

So, now what? well, after being for a couple of weeks sending CVs, filling online applications, looking for information, asking for recommendation letters... and all kinds of related activities, finally on Wednesday I had an interview.

You know, when you are looking for a job, what you really want is the opportunity to show someone how good you are, how smart, how much you know, and how well you do everything, so this is the good part of looking for a job, having an interview.

For me it was a great interview, one hour and a half going through my CV in detail, asking me about the things I did, technical questions, also some general chatting, direct talking with people from the company... a very rewarding experience indeed.

Because I really feel well when someone wants to know about you and you are of interest for them. If they don't call you, if they don't pay attention to you, if they don't ask you lots of things... then you are not interesting for them, so you have to keep trying and thinking what's failing.

I have right now like 7 different CVs, I have been changing things here and there depending on the job offers I saw, trying to apply for different kinds of jobs, different programs... anything I could find. Internet is a very powerful tool!!!

By now I have found information regarding many different aspects of job searching and more and more I get a good idea on how it works, good companies, how to find positions, which programs are ofered for graduates and to continue studies... its important to consider every possiblity.

And well, after the interview, I ended up very happy, of course I had mistakes and things I could have done better, but it was my first interview in English and as a Telecommunications Engineer, so for me the mark could be about 8 over 10 hehe. I seriously think I did well, no matter if they finally hire me or not.

Because on one side I would like them to hire me, but in the other I think... what about if there are some other companies more interesting out there? Should I accept the first hiring offer I receive... I don't know. The company looks very good and I think I am going to enjoy working there, although I am sure it's a very demanding place to work, but... I like... love challenges, so that's for me.

De Interview time.

My interview look... not too bad I would say.

And in the meantime I will keep looking, keep searching, keep doing things and keep myself busy, making the most out of what I have right now. And of course not everything is work or jub hunting, some partying during the weekend is necessary, so this evening I will go bowling, then to a comedy club and maybe I also watch Real Madrid play at 10. Many things.

So, let's see what I find and what I am offered around... I am sure I will eventually find what I want, I am not in a hurry and I am enjoying the experience, that's the important thing.

Just wanted to let you know this: be positive, work hard and try to do your best no matter what the situation is, this way, sooner or later you will get what you deserve. That's what I do, and I didn't get very bad results until now.

I will write something else soon here, I am having lots of moments of reflection these days, deciding what I want to do, how I want to do things... about myself, the world... you know hehe... and it's being very constructive, so I am sure I will have something else to say here.

Take care, be happy, enjoy, and all the best from Dublin, this city which is so special.


4 comentarios:

Comment by Capagris on 25 de febrero de 2010, 19:28

Mu bonito, pero que mu bonito (si supiera lo que dice, leche...)
Bueno, es broma. Como sabes, "el inglés no tiene secretos para mí".
Lo mejor es ... sé tu mismo. Sigue así.

(Tu padre...) Se nota, ¿no?

miluchi on 28 de febrero de 2010, 9:07

Seguro que tu CV ya ha dado la vuelta al mundo en varias ocasiones jajaja.

Me alegro de que salieras contento de la entrevista, hora y media, buffff, te hicieron el tercer grado, eh?

Sé paciente que seguro que te llaman de unos cuantos sitios más y al final el problema va a ser escoger con cual te quedas ;-)

Bea on 1 de marzo de 2010, 23:40

Ya sé que lo tuyo es trabajar fuera de España, pero si te interesa mi sector, en Madrid están surgiendo puestos y a mediados de este mes o principios de abril van a salir más. Busca en infojobs, que ya hay algunas ofertas, aunque ponga que es "servicio externo", ya te digo yo que algunas que he visto son servicio externo de Nokia para proyectos de Orange y de Telefónica. No hagas caso si ponen que experiencia mínima 1 año, siempre lo ponen jejeje.
Un beso y que tengas suerte

Comment by Antonio on 3 de marzo de 2010, 16:01

Bueno me alegra ver que si que hay alguien que lee el blog, eso es buena señal, aunque algunos no se enteren de parte de lo que pongo ejem ejem...

A ver qué tal van los CVs... hoy he recibido un mail de EADS para entrar en un programa que tienen, suena interesante.

Un saludo a todos y ¡¡muchas gracias Bea y Lucia!!

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