Cards and Halloween.

22:40 / Por Antonio /

Well folks, here we continue with the posts in English, and be aware that I do it for you. I want to comment in this post about greeting cards. In English culture greeting cards are very important, they like a lot to give, send and also of course receive them. That´s why there are many shops where you can find lots and lots AND LOTS of cards, of any kind and for any occasion: birthdays, weddings, for your anniversary, for halloween, Christmas, when you get ill, when you leave your job, when your favorite wifi network at home disappears...

We had been walking around the city the other evening for a while, looking for interesting things and just observing the city, the people, everything is so interesting and different in many ways that you can spend a lot of time just watching people go by. I like a lot to do that and you learn many new things everytime.

While on the walking, we got hungry (because it was almost 8 and we haven´t had dinner) and went to one of our favourite shops in the center, it´s a shop with many different foods and fruits to take away, and where they sell savoury crepes, which you eat for lunch or dinner, and which have many different flavours: different cheese, olives, lettuce, salmon... so they mix it on the crepe and you get to try tasty new flavours.

As I tell you we have seen a lot of greeting cards shops, some small ones, some with other things also in the shop to sell and the most famous ones called Hallmarks where they have mainly lots of cards, and where we bought a couple of cards, and just for you to know, very expensive, because they didn´t have the price and when you get to the cashier to pay it is too late.

In one of the shops we entered, where they had mainly books, we had a look and there were many interesting ones, including some of my beloved writer, Terry Pratchet, author of the Mundodisco saga, very famous in English speaking countries. Then we went up to the second floor where we got quite a surprise when we saw the huge quantity of cards they had there, and that´s why we took a picture to share with you that you can see below.

As you can notice on the right picture you can see cds within the card, that´s because they are one kind of birthday cards which have the year you were born on them. So when you see the back, it has a cd with the most important songs of that year, and also in the ilustration you see the most important events that happened in that year, it's quite a very original greeting card, don't you think?

Also we noticed they already have everything ready to sell for Halloween: the typical pumpkins, all kinds of skeletons, witches, candles, costumes... and they have been selling it since maybe two weeks ago, and given Halloween it´s on 31st October I don´t think anyone in the city will be able to get to that date without having bought everything they need to be ready.

Finally we went for a walk through Temple Bar, as we have done some other times because we like it a lot, to see how's the place around, always full of people, with musicians, mimes, some of them even doing weird things as a show... you must see it.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo on 13 de octubre de 2008, 23:25

Boff... ¿no hay por aquí un apartado de quejas? jeje. Es que eso de leer en inglés me da un perezón... La verdad es que da nivel al blog, queda muy internacional, ¡pero yo entiendo muy poquito! Mal por mi parte, lo sé...

Comment by Euge on 16 de octubre de 2008, 18:30

Jajaja regresamos con el inglés...

Bueno yo no soy muy de tarjetas pero la verdad es que esas con un CD de los éxitos del año en que naciste me parecen bastante curiosas...

Espero que pongáis un par de calabazas asesinas por Halloween!!!

Un abrazo pareja.

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